Divorce Differently: The Course Is A Must-Have For Anyone Wanting An Amicable Divorce.


Amicable gets hard very quickly, and you'll need support to keep it on track.

Do you want an amicable divorce? 


Are you finding that, even with that intention,

it's not quite working out?


This is the online, digital, self-paced course that makes amicable a reality for you, even if your former partner or soon-to-be-former-partner is not helping you out.

Divorce Differently: The Course is a game-changing solution for anyone in your situation who is wanting (or struggling to have) an amicable divorce.


Starting Today, You Could…

  • Master uncomfortable communication with your former partner

  • Handle the triggers from your former partner without spiraling

  • Figure out how to handle your challenging inner emotional life

  • Feel more in control of the roller coaster that is your world right now

  • Learn how to protect your kids from your deepest fears about the impact of divorce in their lives

  • Live in ways that bring about the future you design, not the one to which many others default after divorce (negative, stuck, sad)

  • Access that part of yourself that can get through it well and whole

  • Learn how an amicable divorce is possible for YOU

The right support can make all the difference. We’ll cover it all in Divorce Differently: The Course.


Divorce Differently: The Course

What You Learn In Divorce Differently: The Course


The Art

of Divorce

Divorce starts with an end in mind, and that is more than just being legally divorced. Learn actionable steps you can take to actually get to the destination you have in mind, including: 

  • Where You're Coming From: Understanding the story that got you here and how you make space for the divorce ahead
  • What You Want: Listening to your better self and your future self
  • How to Think: Understanding divorce brain, curating a better thought life to lead you, and clearing the way for a better day-to-day experience
  • How to Feel: Learning how to feel on purpose, honor your values, and set up an emotional protocol for your darkest days




Divorce is an entirely different language than the one you are using now, and you'll practice new and protective patterns of relating to yourself and your former partner, including: 

  • Mastering Yourself: Developing a quiet mind and calm heart driven by your values and your why
  • Owning Your Part: Taking responsibility for your role in the divorce
  • Talking Divorce: Talking points for the most challenging conversations with your kids, your former partner, and your community
  • Triggers and Resistance: Identifying your triggers and your resistance and create new response loops that support you best and get you out of the common divorce traps



Family Dynamics

Divorce tears at our idea of family, and co-parenting often disappoints us. Learn how to intentionally build a new sense of family with the right priorities, including: 

  • Strengths Based Parenting: Getting clear on the strengths and weaknesses profile of your former partner 
  • Kids and Divorce: Learning scripts for engaging your kids in their own healing from this change
  • Bottom Line: Integrating the three most important concepts to drive your divorce recovery and set your future up for success
  • The Gold: Mining your own heart for the gold of this experience moving forward with confidence and class

What people are saying about Divorce Differently: The Course 

LOVE your POSITIVE approach…applies to any relationship!!

Everyone needs to go through your coursework!

Your course is really helpful! 


I'm Andrea Hipps

I’m a CDC Certified Divorce Coach, licensed social worker, author, wife, and mother who has personally lived the frustrating and enormously challenging struggle of surviving divorce while still working, raising kids, and participating in community life. 

Today, I help people just like you navigate every stage of divorce from early emotional struggles to long-term visioning and rebuilding. 

I give you vital tools that help you make a series of incredibly important decisions at a time when you feel most vulnerable and overwhelmed. I help you redirect the burning question of “What do I do?” into “Who can I become?” and in doing so, set the stage for the creative, capable, directed side of yourself to emerge. I create important space for you to acknowledge your emotions, assess your situation, and start to wrap your arms and heart around what is required of you as you step into this next phase of life. 

Divorce Is Harder When You Keep Trying to Handle It Using Old Skills


Divorce is a series of hard decisions made during a time when you are most spent.

It is financially challenging, emotionally exhausting, and logistically takes way longer than you think it should.
Struggling through your attempt at an amicable divorce keeps you from parenting well, crushes your emotional energy levels, and keeps your former partner at the center of everything you think of. 
Students who enroll in Divorce Differently: The Course parent from a place of confidence, have doable plans for the big emotions they are experiencing, and approach their former partners in a healthy and distanced way that protects them. 


Let Divorce Differently: The Course show you the way.

Enroll Now!